Pinch Me!

Pinch Me!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Making the First Move: Boys or Girls?

We've all encountered that the guy who just doesn't seem to get it. He seems to like you, but he still hasn't asked you out, despite all your best methods: sparkling conversation, gentle flirtation, delicate hints. So what's his deal? Is he shy or just plain stupid?

Either is possible. A lot of guys are shy. They can be just as self-conscious and insecure as girls. He might think you're out of his league. Or maybe he's afraid of being rejected. Or- and this is true for even the best of men- he might just be oblivious. So many smart, nice, funny guys are completely clueless when it comes to the "Hey, asked me out!" hints you've been dropping for the last week. He might still think the two of you are "JUST FRIEND". How do you let him know that you're ready for more?

Asking a guy out is one of the trickiest, most potentially ego-wounding situation in dating.

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